Other Problems

In this section I share with you some clients success stories for all manner of problems I've treated using my hypnosis skills in Toronto and Ottawa, Ontario Canada.

Toronto Hypnosis Fabric Testimonial

Toronto Hypnosis Stop Drinking Doug

Toronto & Ottawa Hypnotist Luke Michael Howard CHT Interviews Doug who due to medical concerns needed to stop drinking alcohol. He came to see me and hasn't drunk a drop since. He's story is truly inspiring!

Toronto Hypnosis Pain Control Dentist Client

In this video you hear the story of Mel who was in intense pain due to problems with her wisdom teeth & couldn't get a dentist appointment so she called Luke Michael Howard CHT Clinical Hypnosis for help.

Toronto Hypnosis Testimonial for Migraines and Bell's Palsy

In this Video Jen talks about her experience working with me around Migraines she was experiencing and a bout of Bell's Palsy.

Toronto Hypnosis Centre Client Success Story

Toronto Hypnosis Allergy Removal

Watch Janet talk about removing her 5 year Allergy to Cats when all else failed with Luke Michael Howard CHT and Toronto Hypnosis.

Toronto Hypnosis Anxiety

Watch Anni talk about how how life Transformed when she came for a series on Hypnosis sessions with me.