Category Archives: Stop Smoking

I Quit Smoking in 5 Minutes – Real Testimonial

[embed][/embed] Discover how Evan quit smoking in just 5 minutes with the help of hypnosis in this real testimonial video by Luke Michael Howard. Join Evan as he shares his experience of finally being smoke-free after trying various methods unsuccessfully. Subscribe now to witness the power of hypnosis in helping people kick the habit for…
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77-Year-Old Stops Smoking After 60 Years! Meet Sharon, a 77-year-old who successfully quit smoking after 60 years with the help of lukenosis hypnosis! Watch her inspiring story of breaking a lifelong habit in just one session. Subscribe to learn more about how hypnosis can help you quit smoking for good! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Pandora's Box" --- "Enter Samurai!" --- "How…
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What Is Hypnosis? 2/2

When it was game day, when there were multiple millions of dollars on the line in sponsorship money, in prize money and the accolades have been the bestest golf player in the world, at that time, at that day, when it came to perform, he was no longer working consciously because he'd drilled it over…
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What Is Hypnosis 1/2

So what is hypnosis? There's a lot of definitions of hypnosis out there, okay? And I always say to my clients that I used to spend the first 45 minutes at the very first session with a new client explaining what hypnosis was and explaining what hypnosis wasn't. And quite frankly after about 45 minutes,…
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