Category Archives: Blog

New Studies In Addiction 1/2

So I'm gonna share with you my new followings and my new understandings with it. A lot of it has come through training that I've done with Melissa Tears recently in addiction protocol, become a certified with that. Kevin Lay of Sight Tap Fame and his addiction classes, of course I did, and some other…
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Why 12 Steps Programs Are Bullshit 2/2

Number six, we're entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. So you know how I feel about God. Listen, if you're religious, fine. If you're not religious, that means you can't ever be healed because you don't believe in God. And if you are a Scientologist you can't be healed because…
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Why 12 Steps Programs Are Bullshit 1/2

Why the 12 steps are complete and utter bullshit. We're gonna go through these 12 steps today with a fine-tooth comb. Have you ever thought about a fine-tooth comb? I mean, is there such a thing as a fine-tooth comb? Isn't a fine-tooth comb really a toothbrush? But that's another story for another day. I…
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How To Enforce Your Boundaries 2/2

One of my boundaries is this. One of my boundaries is in the universe. The universe has, actually, let's put the world. The world has, what? Seven billion plus people, right? I have little control over those seven billion people who are going from A to B every single day. I've got very little control…
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