How To Be A Successful Hypnosis Client
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Hello, Luke Michael Howard, Clinical hypnotist
and change worker from Lukenosis Hypnosis.
I'm often asked Luke, what's the number one
quality I need as a potential client to work
with you to be successful? And potential clients
and clients will say to me, Luke, is it that I
need to be super smart? No. Luke, is it that I
need to be really, really dumb for this stuff
to work? Absolutely not. Luke. Is it that I need
to believe in some kind of spirituality? No.
Luke, is it that I need to believe in this thing
called hypnosis that I'm not quite sure what
it is, but I've seen it in the Hollywood movies
and it seems a bit hokey. No, it's none of those things.
The number one quality that I look for when accepting
potential client onto one of my programs is this.
It's really, really, really simple. But it's
so simple that it goes over most people's head
and it's this. Can you follow instructions?
That's it. Can you follow simple instructions
that I'm going to spoon feed you?
And I don't mean to be what's the word I'm looking
for facetious when I say this, but often times
when people reach out to me, they haven't watched
the little one minute video that explains the process.
They haven't read an e-mail that would take
30 seconds for them to have any understanding.
When they filled out the questionnaire, they've
ticked boxes, but they actually haven't read
the things in the boxes. So then when we get on
the telephone, they ask me questions and I say,
well, I've already answered that. And I know
that you've already heard my answer because
you ticked the box on the questionnaire in order
for the questionnaire to get to me in order for
us to be on this initial screening call. So you
had to have done that and they claim to have no
memory of such things. So #1 quality is is simply
following instructions is The common sense
is I've been doing this a long time. I've been
doing this for 25 years now. I know the simplest
way to lay it out there to get you from where you
are right now to you and I on the telephone to
you and I eventually over zoom me helping you.
Helping you to find the skills, to find the tools
to heal yourself over whatever your affliction is.
And it's really, really simple. Number one
is you book the screening call if you need help
and there will be a link underneath this video
or above me right here and it will say book your
free screening call here. This is the next step. Right.
And then you click on it and and and people will
be like, well, well, Luke, can you, can we just,
can you just answer a couple questions that
we're going to answer the questions on the screening call.
All right. I've done thousands of these probably
25 years, close to 25 years, close to 10,000 of these.
It's laid out in a very specific way. You got
to follow the way that it's laid out just in the
same way that a successful doctor
will work with you just as a way that a successful
surgeon will work with you. Just like a successful
lawyer will work with you, there's a certain
way that these professionals work, and they've
been working for many, many years. And if you've
heard about them, and if you've actually come
to them for help, the odds are that you've heard
about them as well. So it's worked whatever
they've done. So just follow the simple instructions
and the first, Don't worry about the next 10 steps.
Just the next step is click on the Screening
Call tab, which will be below me. Or maybe it
will be above me. It will say click here for your
screening call and you click there. That's
the next step. That's all you need to do. That's
the next thing. You don't need to be 10 steps
into the future with 10 million questions.
We'll get to that. But right now the next step
is really, really simple. You just click on
the screening call. Then you watch a one minute video.
You fill out a quick questionnaire so I know
what you're coming in about, what we're going
to talk about over the telephone. And then you
choose a time that you and I can speak uninterrupted
for an hour. Okay, That's it. And every single
question you have will be answered on that screening call
probably before you even ask me because
like I said, I've been doing this to all for almost
25 years now and I've probably done close to
10,000 of these. So every kind of question that
you can come up with, the likelihood of me already
hearing it and answering it is extremely high. And I.
The likelihood is I've built it into the screening
call, so I'm probably highly likely going to
answer it before you even ask it. And in the rare
exception that I don't, then at the end you're
going to have all the time you need to ask me any
questions to get clarity. But right now, forget
about all that. Forget about it all.
If you need help, the next step, just think about
the next step is click. On the tab that says screening
call above me or below me or is on every page
on my website. That's it. That's the next step.
And then once you do that, there'll be another
step till we got on the phone again, step by step,
spoon feeding you till we can get on the phone.
So don't overcomplicate it. Don't be like,
oh would this work for me? It will work for you
if you follow instructions. If you can't follow
instructions then nothing's ever going to
work for you. If you've been watching this video
this far, I imagine that you are a person of high
intelligence that gets that. So understanding
that now, if you need some help, and if you're
wondering what it takes to be successful, that
is the single one quality I look for. Can you
follow simple instructions, the instructions
of which will get you on the call with me so we
can have a chat before we ever work together?
I'll know by the steps that you've taken to get
to me on the screening call with a high Percentage.
If you and I are going to be successful working
together before I've even heard your voice,
yes, I've been doing it that long. I know it's
a bold claim. But again, I've done this with
close to 10,000 people. So I get to profile people
and not just actually chatting with them, but
their communications from the very first e-mail,
what they tell me, what they don't tell me, if
they are following the steps or if they're trying
to derail the process to get them on the free
screening call. I've seen it all before. I want
to make it as smooth, as easy and as elegant for
you and I to chat on the phone to see if I can help
you heal yourself with whatever your affliction is.
So next step, book the screening call link above
me or below me, and then we'll go from there.
Thank you for watching this video. I've been
Luke Michael Howard,
Owner of Lukenosis Hypnosis.
Always Believe xXx
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