Mindset Monday #29

"Embracing You're Darkness!"

What is your darkness? What is that thing that you've been running from, that thing that you've been avoiding, that thing that you've eaten too much, to try and avoid?

You've gone on the internet too long, to try and avoid, you've tried to do some kind of narcotic, to avoid, you've had too much sex, to avoid facing it.

What is that thing that you run from, that thing that's always been there, it's always lurking in the background? And all these various behaviors you've done are just symptoms that you haven't faced this thing.

For me, in the past, it used to be a sort of kind of sadness that I never faced, and the symptoms of that would l...would be I'd eat too much sugar.

So what's the thing that you run from, what's your darkness, what's that deep dark scary thing? If you just took a moment to actually feel it, have a felt sense, it would disappear.

Always Believe,
Luke Michael Howard
Clinical Hypnotist



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