Tag Archives: ottawa hypnotist

Mindset Monday #78

Body Positive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCURRJFOfzo HypnoPunk here and today I am in Miami beach   and this episode is going to be about body positive.   See, I've been eating a lot of junk for the last 24 hours.   Its been my cheat day and I've been carving up.   I used to have this issue…
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Weekend Binge

Weekend Binge So that happened. Your weekend ended up being one long binge of too much food and drink, and now you feel terrible. I’m not here to judge – just here to help you pick up the pieces and move on. Use the following 3 steps to get right back on your feet, and…
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Hypnosis Today

Hypnosis Today I just made a new video entitled "Hypnosis Today" It explains alot of different uses for hypnosis that! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyd02A4dzmI&feature=youtu.be If you want to have a FREE chat with me to see if I can help,  you can schedule something here; http://Lukenosis.com/screeningcall/ Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard Clinical Toronto Hypnosis
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Mindset Monday #76

We're All Addicts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m6EN_O4XyA Luke Michael Howard here, a.k.a. The HypnoPunk. How many times have you walked down one of these? An alleyway, and you've seen people shooting up heroin, snorting cocaine, drinking their last little bit of Jack Daniels. You've looked down on them, you've looked down on them haven't you? Called them things…
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